Urja Biogas plant is totally built in brick work or RCC. It is a cylindrical plant having two chambers and a top cover. The lower chamber acts as a digester as well as gasholder. As the gas is produced, the pressure of the gas pushes the fermenting substrate from the lower chamber to the upper chamber and from there it flows to the waste disposal area for composting it with crop residues. When the gas is utilized, the pressure in the lower chamber gets reduced and it causes the remaining mixture in the upper chamber to flow down to the lower chamber. This induces automatic stirring action of the fermenting slurry, which increases the efficiency of gas production.
Besides cattle dung and food waste many organic materials such as poultry droppings, press-mud and molasses produced by sugar mills, spent wash discharged by distilleries, dairy sludge, oil-mill sludge, vegetable waste from market, waste from fruit processing units, bio-medical waste from hospitals, slaughter house waste, waste food from public eating places and hostels, decayed grains from warehouses, water hyacinths and seeds from Jathropha curcas plants etc. can be used for generating biogas and use of residual spent slurry as organic manure.
When the toilet block is connected to the biogas plant, besides generating additional biogas from human excreta, the biogas plant eliminates all the disease-producing pathogens emanating inside the biogas plant. It really helps to make the surroundings of the farmer’s housing complex clean and healthy.
URJA plant is free from the problem of corrosion of steel gasholder associated with the KVIC model or gas leakage problem encountered in the masonry dome of the Deenbandhu model propagated by the Govt. for implementation under the National Project on Biogas Development. URJA model has quite a long life and requires almost no repairs and maintenance cost. We have also developed a technique of converting old, defunct KVIC plants into URJA plants.
These plants are available from 40 Kg to 100 Kg waste per day capacity.
Calculations of Waste to Biogas:
2 Cattle / 16 human excrements / 10 Lit. food waste gives 1 Cu. meter of Biogas
1 Cu. meter Biogas = 600 ml Kerosene = 3.5 kg fire wood = 1.5 kg charcoal = 450 gms of LPG = 1 Units of Electricity.